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Office Cubicles and Workstations
Herman Miller, is an American Furniture and Office Cubicle company that offers a large line off cubiclesand office furniture. The different makes of their Herman Miller lines include Herman Miller AO2,Ethospace, Canvas, and many other lines of workstations and office cubicles, Herman Miller AO2 as theremost popular and easy to install line of workstations and office cubicles. They even are the inventors ofthe famous Herman Miller Areon Chair. Since C and H Office Solutions is an AS/IS workstation andoffice cubicle dealer, we have several Herman Miller inventories available through our Office furniturepartners located throughout California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas and the United States. for a quote on some as/is Herman Miller inventories, but remember, it is pre-owned, so specific lines and configurations are not always available. Click here for product availability.
Haworth is “a leading global furniture maker that builds innovative products for optimal workplaceperformance. We’re a values-driven company with an entrepreneurial spirit, multicultural presence, anddesign-forward approach.” As another American manufacturer of cubicles and workstations, Steelcase andHerman Miller have had their hands full in keeping up with many of their innovative products. Haworth,Inc. introduced movable walls and raised-access floors in the 2000s. The company has been a leader in thecontract furnishings industry for many years, and is promising to be an innovator in office design andfurnishing for 2025. Haworth Unigroup too, Haworth Compose, and a super versatile & contemporaryline is ready for the new year.
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Allsteel has an array of cubicles and furnishing available on their website, with Allsteel fit, you'll get moresquare footage for your buck and Allsteel Terrace is a flexible space-planning solution for a variety ofdesign applications and work environments. Allsteel, owned by Hon company, has been in the officesystems furniture business since 1912, producing metal enclosures and would go on to manufacturelockers and steel cabinets and revolutionize records management with the lateral file. Today, bigger thanone brand, Allsteel continues to transform the ways we all work. Allsteel does set many differentstandards in the industry, and will continue to thrive in 2025 for your office convenience. Email us forsome as/is Allsteel inventory, we will see what we can find. Click here for product availability.
Teknion Prides itself in a “technical look”, along with a whole new take on office systems furniture, aCanadian manufacturer, they are in the know how when it comes to functional office environments andinnovation. Their about us section states: they are a family-owned business with an international reach;they strive to be approachable and responsive, always open to collaboration, and focused on the rightsolutions for our customers. Being privately held gives them the freedom to think and invest long-term,through certain and uncertain times. Teknion Leverage is an extremely high end product with advancemodular system configurations and installation methods that make installation easier and a morefunctional product. They are also very clever in their approach to office environments and employeeproductivity. Click here for product availability.
Knoll is an American manufacturer located and started in East Greenville, Pennsylvania. Knoll Dividens,Knoll Reff and Knoll Antenna are all office cubicle product lines from Knoll that have a huge impact inthe market of American workstations manufacturers, and will prosper here in 2025. If you happen to findthese used products on our site, make it a point to buy it before its gone, because the modularfunctionality in its essence is second to none. Although one fine detail we left out is that Herman Millerannounced after completing the acquisition of Knoll, Inc. (“Knoll”) on July 19, 2021, the combinedcompany will move forward as MillerKnoll. Herman Miller and Knoll, along with their legacy brands,will continue forward as part of MillerKnoll. Click here for product availability.
Steelcase is also an America workstation, furniture and office cubicle manufacturer, that in today's officeenvironment are offering a long line of office cubicle products like Steelcase Answer, Amobi collectionand Kick. They have been around since 1945 when they released a series of 15 different high end metaldesks, and to this day pride themselves in indestructible workstations that will technically last a lifetime,and will come in and out of style throughout their lifetime. Steelcase is a top leading office cubicle andfurniture manufacturer here in America and will continue to be through 2025 and beyond. Top quality,American made office furniture and cubicles is the M.O. And will continue to be.
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Professional Installations and Cubicle Sales!
We service Southern California, Northern California, Arizona, and Nevada
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